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These are questions asked by kencom1

Good day everyone,

I am trying to rotate the plots of pde solution using transplot, but it is giving me errors. Anyone with better suggestions should help. The code is attached below. Thanks

Good day everyone, 

Can I plot the graph of the sheet attached below such that x will be on the vertical component and y will be on the horizontal component? Can this be done on Maple? Anyone with useful information should please help.

Good day everyone,

Please, I need help on how to optimize the function above. I actually wanted to plot the function with respect to "eta", but, I need the optimum value(s) for "alpha". Anyone with useful information should please help.

Thanking you in anticipation for your help.                                                             f=((-0.111000111e-1*alpha^4+.109890109900000*alpha^3+0.110726700000000e-1*alpha^2+0.133899904900000e-3*alpha+0.136700000000000e-4)*exp(-alpha*eta)+(-0.683733733e-5+0.683733733e-5*alpha^2-0.676896396e-4*alpha)*exp(-2*alpha*eta)+0.111000111e-1*alpha^4-.109890109900000*alpha^3-0.110794990900000e-1*alpha^2-0.663221721200000e-4*alpha-0.683733733200000e-5)/(.1*alpha^5-.99*alpha^4-.1*alpha^3)

Good day everyone,

I am running a maple code for a pde and is given the error code "Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/process_IBCs) initial/boundary condition must be given in terms of the dependent variables of the problem only ([W]), got ((D@@2)[1](W))(0, tau) = 0". The link is attached below.

Thanks in advance.

Good day everyone,

I am having a problem writing a PDE code and it is given an error code

"Error, (in pdsolve/numeric) initial/boundary conditions must be defined at one or two points for each independent variable"

The link is attached below. Please, help. Thanks

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