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These are questions asked by kencom1

Good day everyone and happy new year in advance. I'm trying to write a code for a series but its not substituting. Below is the attached file. Thanking you very much in anticipation for your help.

Hi everyone,

Please, I really need your expertise advice(s) on what i am not doing right in the code attached below. I was actually writing the code on Multi-step DTM, but, instead of continuing from the last point, it starting all over again. Please, your expertise will save a soul here. Regard


Anyone with the idea of seq such help please. I am tryong to collect all the series into one case but its only calling the last one.

The link is attached below. Thank you in advance

Good day everyone,

I have a problem building the code attached below. The series is not substituting F[0](eta) and T[0](eta). 

Please, anyone with useful information should contact.


Good day everyone,

I am trying to write HAM code for coupled ODE but getting errors like "table(...)" or


"Error, (in dsolve) found the independent variables {eta} also present in the names of the functions of the system {(diff(diff(diff((table( [( 0 ) = proc (eta) options operator, arrow, function_assign; eta*exp(-eta)-F[w] end proc ] ))(eta), eta), eta), eta))(f[1](eta)), (diff(diff((table( [( 0 ) = proc (eta) options operator, arrow, function_assign; exp(-eta) end proc ] ))(eta), eta), eta))(theta[1](eta)), (diff((table( [( 0 ) = proc (eta) options operator, arrow, function_assign; eta*exp(-eta)-F[w] end proc ] ))(eta), eta))(f[1](eta)), ((table( [( 0 ) = proc (eta) options operator, arrow, function_assign; exp(-eta) end proc ] ))(eta))(theta[1](eta))}"


Anyone with useful informations should please help.

Thank you.

Below is the attached of the file


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