
129 Reputation

7 Badges

19 years, 25 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by lehalle

As you can see, this technique implements quite full and simple functional objects for Maple. It is very simple and efficient. All properties are private, you need to implement public get and set methods to make them public. Public methods and stored in the last table structure of the procedure.
Here is a sheet that shows how to use surface to plot density functions. It shows also how to use such plot for "Value at Risk" figures. See Value at Risk definition at Wikipedia. View 744_plot-fill.mw on MapleNet or Download 744_plot-fill.mw
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Click on links below to obtain tips, tricks and FAQ about plotting for probability and statistics.
Click on the list below to find informations about places having a scientific history.
Click on a link below to find a description of public libraries in Paris.
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