
1535 Reputation

15 Badges

19 years, 34 days



Mario Lemelin
Maple 14.00 Win 7 64 bits
Maple 14.00 Ubuntu 10,04 64 bits
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by lemelinm

@dharr Thank you for the command from plots. I also tried this:

>FunctionAdvisor(plot, Zeta)

which give you the plot from FunctionAdvisor without loading anything. But the inability to exract the command in a cell is bizarre. The closest I come is by doing this:

>plots_Zeta := MathematicalFunctions:-Get(plot, Zeta)


Which give the plot I was looking for. But again, cannot ge the commands. If I could send this plot to the PlotBuilder, I could see those commands.

But at least, you help me discover a new world to explore. Thank you.

@Scot Gould That is what I would do because the Mac environment is unknown to me. Happy to know that it serve to someone.

@Scot Gould

In the video, it is very clearly said to create the "Users" directory. I simply missed that because I was opening the maple initialization help page while listening to the video. My mistake, of course.


Thank you for your help Scot

@acer You are making me regret to have moved from Ubuntu to Windows.

But I don't have any "maple.ini" file elsewhere. What I noticed is that the file's name is "Maple.ini," with a capital M. Which is the preferences file as you duly noted.

Do you think that this means that I should create a blank "maple.ini" file, write the three setoptions lines and save it at this location: C:\Program Files\Maple 2024\lib\maple.ini ?

Because there is no "maqple.ini" file in the \lib folder neither.

Thank you acer for your help.

@Carl Love But as I told Scot, it seem that there something to do.

@Scot Gould Thank you Scot for your answer.  There are a lot of interresting stuff on your website.

In my maple.ini file, there are already a lot fo things.  But no plots:-setoptions(). So I think that it must be OK to put it at the beginning of the file like that:

plots:-setoptions(thickness = 2):
plots:-setoptions(size = [300, 300]):
plots:-setoptions3d(size = [350, 300]:
interface(displayprecision = 10):
Save Options=false
HelpBGColor=255 255 255


But it does not work. The file was located at:


It is nowhere else. Do you have an idea of what is happening?

@acer This is something that I will put to execute at the start of a blanck document. This is what I wanted. You have already done the works needed for the developer of the next release of Maple. :-)

Thank you very much acer

@Carl Love Thank for your response. And sorry for my precedent mixup.

As anames](user) noticed, I did mixup "assumption" with "assigment". The initial question was right and the answer of dharr 6671 is exactly what I needed. Thank you for your kind help.

@Carl Love  I define two objects:



Function about:  describe what is known by assume about
######## ######  an object or a property

INPUT:  an arbitrary number of objects or properties

For example: about( x );
             about( LowerTriangular, UpperTriangular )

This is not what I want. I want to know what is the value of "a" and "b" when I am at the bottom of my worksheet and I cannot see what  I have defined.

But thank you for those commands.

@Scot Gould Since I use a Canadian-French keyboard (qwerty), the shortcut keys do not work. Nor the international Ctrl + Alt + O. So I have put the "overscript" template in my Favorites.  It is starting to be crowded.  I have asked to get many Favorites palettes that we could choose which one you want to use with a drop-down menu in the palettes. The choice depends on what you are working on at the moment.  Maybe we will see this one day.

@acer I see that I should have uploaded my worksheet in which I was doing exactly what you have done.  Yesterday, I had worked with Maple for two hours when I decided to try what was in the PDF document. Unfortunately, it was not working at all. The input was done like you did, but when I press Enter, the output was exactly the same as the input.  And no, I was not in the mode "non-executable math."

Maple 2024 is doing things funny when I am working for more than an hour, or even less.  Many times, I have to quit Maple and restart it so it works like it should. I have not written a bug in the beta website because it is clear, as this example is another case of it, that it seems to happen only on my machine for an unknown reason.

I use Windows 11 Professianal x64 23H2 but I doubt that it has something to do with it. At least, I had a kind answer form Scot..

@Scot Gould Thank you for your reponse and the link for the files. I really appreciate.

Let me thank you for all those years of implication in Maple. Your work in the Physics packages was tremendous. I wish you the best for your future projects.

@acer The functional P(z) is very practicle and so simple.  Thank you for the idea.  I have a worksheet with an example.Convert_to_exp.mw

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