maple fan

205 Reputation

14 Badges

16 years, 177 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by maple fan

Did Maplesoft make a statistics about questions on MaplePrimes?

There must be some commands frequently meet problems.

I listed 10 commands or packages need to be enhanced much more.


eg, roots of transcendental equation on complex plane & system of nonlinear equations.

Both numerical integration & symbolic integration need further developed.


large scale computing, everyone needs it.


dsolve needs to be enhanced for solve more equations in parallel.

As mathematica 10 contains the FEM package, I think Maple needs to do something, develop a new package needs more time than make the existing pdsolve command better.

5.Threads package.

parallel programing is the future. BTW, why don't make the task model much easier to use, like the mathematica, just a command?


there is much space to go further about the two commands.

7.Optimization package or Statistics package.

In fact, both packages need to be further enhanced, especially for Optimization package.

Although some modern algorithms about optimization&statistics is much easier to see on the internet, the

Maplesoft should not stop, but go further, add them in Maple.

Above is just my opinion.

Thanks for your attention.

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