
160 Reputation

5 Badges

10 years, 41 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mapleatha

Since I am a mathematician, I am wondering how Maple goes about solving an identity for 3 functions.
Let's say we have af1(t)+bf_2(t)+cf_3(t) = 0 for all t. How does maple actually find a triplet a,b,c that works for all real t?
It does with solve(identity( ),[a,b,c]). But what is the theory behind it?
We know, of course, a priori, that such a triplet exists.

Thank you!




How do we use on the axes Pi, Pi/2, ...,  in Maple 13 plots without evaluating Pi? When I just put enter Pi, Maple gives me 3.1415... . "piticks" is not available for Maple 13. I do have access to the university ocmputer's Maple 18, but, recently, it has decided that Citrix iwill not serve Windows 7.

Thank you.


There are some answers up here, but they are for given known functions.
I need to place parentheses around functions that are automatically created.
For example, the function $f(x)$ takes many polynomial values during the execution
of a procedure. For examplle, it takes the values, 2x-1, x^2+3x+2, x^3-2x-3, etc.
How do I automatically place parentheses around these polynomials?
Thank you!

Why doesn't Maple 13 plot x^(1/3) for x negative?

Thank you.


I am using an integal sign using Int. If there is a minus sign in front of it, then

I get the expression -(Int ... dx). Why is the parenthesis there? Can we avoind it?

Thank you!



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