
160 Reputation

5 Badges

10 years, 41 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mapleatha

Let x = `3`. How do we get the number 3 out of x?


Why is this happening?

Thank you!

Here is a possible situation tha appears very often in presentations:

How do I add a colon ":" after "ss3" in the second red line? And, while we are at it, how do I add the word "and" between ss2 and ss3?
Thank you all so much for your continuous and inexhaustible help!


I have this situation:

We have sol[1] = "A=1", etc. How do I pick up just the solution values 1, 2 and 3 from sol? This is a generated system in a larger program, so I don't have access to the individual numbers coming out of a single step.

In the partial fraction decomposition Maple often changes the order of the terms.
For example,

How do we remedy this?
Thank you!


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