
233 Reputation

3 Badges

15 years, 220 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mdc

Is there a way to find out what packages (i.e. statistics, or calculus, etc.) that are in my Maple installation? I bought a student version of Maple, now I need to use Statistics (with (Statistics): ) but don't really know If I have Statistics package installed or not. Thanks

I want to evaluate a line integral of the vector field F:

F: <x^2 * y, x^3, x*y>

around the curve C: <sin(t), cos(t), 1/4(sin^2(t) - cos^2(t))


When using Line Integral I got the following error:


Error, (in VectorCalculus:-LineInt) the first argument of a Path structure must be a free Vector or a position Vector




> restart;
> with(plots); with(plottools); with(VectorCalculus);
> SetCoordinates(cartesian[x,y,z]);

I'm trying to use Maple to calculate surface integral; before getting to the surface integral, I need to get cross product of two vectors; but I could not get the codes work. Please help.

with (VectorCalculus):

x:= (r,t) -> r*sin(t);
y:= (r,t) -> r*cos(t);
z:= (r,t) -> r^2.sin(t)*cos(t);

> R := Vector*[x(r, t), y(r, t), z(r, t)];

Vector [r sin(t), r cos(t), r sin(t) cos(t)]
> r1 := VectorField(diff(R, r));
VectorField([0, 0, 0] + Vector [sin(t), cos(t), 2 r sin(t) cos(t)])
> r2 := VectorField(diff(R, t));
Given z = x*y, where 0<>


How would the parametric equation for the following cylinder be like?


Cylinder: x^2 + y^2 = a*x  where a > 0





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