
233 Reputation

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15 years, 220 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mdc

I have a vector field F = (x-y) i + xy j. I need to evaluate the line integral of this vector field on a curve C1 given by y = 5/2 - 13/12* x - 3/4 * x^2 + 1/3 * x^3 on -2

Hi All,

I searched the forum and found labelledcontourplot that would give the values/label on the contour plot.  However, when searching the Maple 13 Help for "labbelledcontourplot", the search does not return any result.


Thanks fo ryour help.


How do I plot f(x,y) = x^3*y, constrained to x^2 + 2*y^2 = 8? 

Thank you for your help.

Newbie question, please help.  I'm getting a little frustrated with Maple 13; read on-line help but don't seem to find the pattern for my problem.


Type: exp(-t) + t

Highlight on the expression, right click on Plot. I got a plot.

Type: plot ([exp(-t)+ t, t=-2..2]);

Maple 13 gives me back the expression, but no plot. 

Please help.  Thanks in adance.



I'm a newbie with Maple 13, Student edition. 



plot ( [ 1 + sqrt(t)] );

Maple 13 gives me a graph. 

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