
90 Reputation

5 Badges

12 years, 60 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by pallav

@Carl Love Now it is exactly that I want. Thanks a lot.

@Carl Love Thanks for the reply. It works good but the only problem is that the entries of the list become sorted. I need then unsorted. How to convert tau so that I can get them unsorted( means for a specific value of h, I need corresponding value of tau and therefore there should have a one-one positional correspondence of h and tau.).

@Carl Love Thanks for the reply. It works good but the only problem is that the entries of the list become sorted. I need then unsorted. How to convert tau so that I can get them unsorted( means for a specific value of h, I need corresponding value of tau and therefore there should have a one-one positional correspondence of h and tau.).

The above code gives tau only. I am satisfied with this answer. Thank you very much for the answer.  But all values of tau are coming in a column. I want them in row format separeted by comma. for example 

-0.9785051795 + 0.7259062748 I, -1.071478821 + 0.6845304376 I, -1.131874061 + 0.6560618230 I,
  -1.175633397 + 0.6345196708 I, -1.207468201 + 0.6181877729 I,-1.229655595 + 0.6060305422 I


Please help me to get the answer. 


The above code gives tau only. I am satisfied with this answer. Thank you very much for the answer.  But all values of tau are coming in a column. I want them in row format separeted by comma. for example 

-0.9785051795 + 0.7259062748 I, -1.071478821 + 0.6845304376 I, -1.131874061 + 0.6560618230 I,
  -1.175633397 + 0.6345196708 I, -1.207468201 + 0.6181877729 I,-1.229655595 + 0.6060305422 I


Please help me to get the answer. 


yes, it works good.

yes, it works good.

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