
Dr. Paulina Chin

1416 Reputation

12 Badges

19 years, 197 days
Senior Architect
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by pchin

The Maple Conference starts tomorrow Oct. 26 at 9am EDT! It's not too late to register: https://www.maplesoft.com/mapleconference/2023/. Even if you can't attend all the presentations, registration will allow you to view the recorded videos after the conference. 

Check out the detailed conference program here: https://www.maplesoft.com/mapleconference/2023/full-program.aspx

The Maple Conference will be starting in two weeks! The detailed agenda, which includes abstracts of invited and contributed talks, is available here: https://www.maplesoft.com/mapleconference/2023/full-program.aspx.

Please join us on October 26 and 27 for two days of presentations from our staff members and the larger Maple community, a look at our Art Gallery and Creative Showcase, opportunities for networking with other Maple enthusiasts, and more! The conference is virtual and free of charge, and you can register at https://www.maplesoft.com/mapleconference/2023/.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Registration for Maple Conference 2023 is now open! This year’s conference will again be a free virtual event. Please visit our site to see more information about the event and to register.

Our call for presentations has now concluded, but it is not too late to submit to our Maple Conference Art Gallery and Creative Works Showcase.

The Agenda section, where you’ll find information about the conference format and an overview schedule, has been added. This will be updated as the details are finalized.  

This is a reminder that we are seeking presentation proposals for the Maple Conference.

Details on how to submit your proposal can be found on the Call for Participation page. Applications are due July 11, 2023.

We would love to hear about your work and experiences with Maple! Presentations about your work with Maple Learn are also welcome.

We are happy to announce another Maple Conference this year, to be held October 26 and 27, 2023!

It will be a free virtual event again this year, and it will be an excellent opportunity to meet other members of the Maple community and get the latest news about our products. More importantly, it's a chance for you to share the work work you've been doing with Maple and Maple Learn. There are two ways to do this.

First, we have just opened the Call for Participation. We are inviting submissions of presentation proposals on a range of topics related to Maple, including Maple in education, algorithms and software, and applications. We also encourage submission of proposals related to Maple Learn. 

You can find more information about the themes of the conference and how to submit a presentation proposal at the Call for Participation page. Applications are due July 11, 2023.

Presenters will have the option to submit papers and articles to a special Maple Conference issue of the Maple Transactions journal after the conference.

The second way in which to share your work is through our Maple Art Gallery and Creative Works Showcase. Details on how to submit your work, due September 14, 2023, are given on the Web page.

Registration for attending the conference will open later this month. Watch for further announcements in the coming weeks.

I encourage all of you here in the Maple Primes community to consider joining us for this event, whether as a presenter or attendee!

Paulina Chin
Contributed Program Chair

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