
35 Reputation

4 Badges

3 years, 222 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by planetmknzm

@Carl Love 

  Dear Carl

  I would like to thank you very very very much again.  It works very well. I wish to get lesson from you. :)

@Carl Love


  Option 2 is my case. I have set of points on two space curves. I want to take a point from first curve and an other point from second curve. But those points must have 30 degree between them. I need to find couple of such points.

@Carl Love 

  Dear Carl,

  I think my previous question is not clear. If I restate the question for clarity with the help of your last explanation, I have list of points on spherical curve. But I dont know how to find the points which have 30 degree between them.

@Carl Love


 Dear Carl,

 I have two spherical curve on same sphere. I need to find couple of points subtending a certain angle: one of the point from spherical curve 1 and the other point from spherical curve 2 . Do you have an idea for this?

@Carl Love 


  Thanks so much again. I think you are a greate techer of Maple.  I am looking forward to see the rest of your teachings

@Carl Love 

Dear Carl

I  need to learn details about the following section;

Plane:= proc(P)
local v:= <P>^%T, B:= LinearAlgebra:-NullSpace(v)^~%T;
    plots:-polygonplot3d(<v+B[1], v+B[2], v-B[1], v-B[2]>)
end proc

Could you please tell me a little about details, such as how this section find the normal vectors. How is P related to the trajectory?

@Carl Love 

 I did not delet. Your answer is so fabulous that I really could not find a word to thank you. I wish you were my academic supervisor.

@Carl Love 


Thanks you so much. Your comments are very helpful all the time. Your ideas are a real intelligence, instead of irrelative pile of crap comments.


  I uploaded my answers in blue color for your questions . I wish you had read my question in the beggining. There is no answer to me. you preferred to criticize irrelevant lines. I asked only the rest of line 12 where "Myfile" is, uptill the line 13 where display is. Most of the packages are for the remaining of worksheet which I did not share. I am here to learn maple. so there are a lot of errors or unnecessary codes.



The codes are uploaded. Please consider uptill the line where "display" is. Thanks Inadvance

I am trying to seperate the basis vectors produced by PlanePlot commend. So I used for loop. But I could not get answer from for loop. I actually can seperate the basis vectors when I did not use for loop.

@Carl Love I am trying to solve an other problem. The problem is plotting a plane in an animation as shown in the link here. Could you also help me for this  problem. Maple takes a lot time to calculate all the planes in animation. But I need quicker calculation. How can I plot the plane without PlanePlot command which is the time consuming one. I tried to contact you by mail. However, your server rejected. If you kindly help me, here is my mail; Please send me your answer, So that I can send you maple files to work together.

@Carl Love I agree with you about " many software packages do not allow users to poke around in the internal structures" That is why my supervisor insisted me to improve myself on Maple instead of others. I study on mechansim and control which require some better math comparing to many other fields. The figures from maple is very useful. Maple can handle millions of data at the  same time and quicker. I will go deeper in knowledge of Maple by the help of people like you.

@Carl Love Thanks so much. It works very well.  "getdata" does not work in Maple 12. I really wonder how  you learned Maple with such a level.

I really appreciate your knowledge. Thanks you so much. You ignited my curiosity for learning maple.

@mmcdara thanks a lot!

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