
202 Reputation

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7 years, 293 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by radaar


B1 := plots:-animate(plots:-pointplot, [[seq(X(kk, j), j = 1 .. 10)], [seq(Y(kk, j), j = 1 .. 10)]], kk = [seq(1 .. 50)], symbolsize = 25, symbol = solidcircle, colorscheme = ["valuesplit"])

gives error

Error, unsupported type of index, kk

Here X and Y are 50*10 matrices

Should I adjust numcpus while running thread command

How to run the following calculation in multiple processor



How to get the functional form of interpolation in the given example below



Does maple has surrogate optimization built in function or some codes. Thank you

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