
202 Reputation

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7 years, 293 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by radaar

@Carl Love 

Thank you. So what I need to do if I need to use a particular number of processors for my calculations for eg: 8 or 16. I have such many calculations and I am working with 24 processors each of which is 8 cores.

solved it. I actually want to minimize this function. so when I used minimize it shows error. Then I used Minimize from Optimization package which works.


I think you can use newton raphson method by approximating integral by middlesum.

@Carl Love 

  Thanks a lot. Actually I think you mistaken me in my maple version direct search command is not working.

@Carl Love 

  Thank you. But my aim is solving 69 dimension using surrogate model. I know that I can use various techniques.

@Carl Love 

  I am trying out some methods for ootimizing Ackley functions


       Do you have the parallel version of the pso code. Thank you


Thanks a lot. It will be helpful if you can provide a sample code.


 Sad to hear that maple has no facility for surrogate-based optimization. Actually, direct search packages stopped working. I dont think direct search will work for black box functions.

@Carl Love 

Thank you


Thank you


yes the path is correct. I have already successfully did some other examples. Thank you.

@Carl Love 

yes, i used the same command for compilation. My aim is just to see how to call external functions because at some point it will be useful. I request maple to have some webinars on this topic. Can you please tell why the error popping up.


Thanks a lot for your advice and suggestions.


Thanks a lot. I request maple to provide some webinars on this kind of tutorial. Is there any tutorial on data science available for maple.

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