reza gugheri

20 Reputation

2 Badges

5 years, 281 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by reza gugheri


ok man thank you so much



thank you i get it


@Preben Alsholm 

please pardon my ignorance You said the first argument are list but i dont know what list mean? my question is not definde list i just solve this ode with cristal clear answer

infact is "hypergeom( [3/4+1/4*(-4*nu+5)^(1/2), 3/4-1/4*(-4*nu+5)^(1/2)], [1/2], cos(x)^2)" a coeficient of cos(x)^2

i.e. is it for example  C*cos(x)^2 that C is coffecient. or im saing false?

by the way in my problem nu is a constant for instance nu=0.3.    mybe it make it get more easier!!!!!!!

@Preben Alsholm 

I knew for solve ode should use dsolve

but if you write it in your maple u will see the answer is strange. infact answer is like

    (`sin`(x))*hypergeom([.2626602828, 1.237339717], [1/2], cos(x)^2)*_C2

i dont know whats hypergeom [0.26,1.23],[1/2],cos(x)

@mehdi jafari 

Thanks for your answer but i dont want calculus max or min of functional. i just want variation of functional. for u understand my question i say an example

[ w=(x^2-a^2)*(f)] i want variational of this functional. in fact i want even i use of diff command maple answer me this form:

diff(w,f)=(x^2-a^2)*(δf) but maple dont write δf it answer (x^2-a^2)

@Carl Love 

Thanks for your answer but i dont want calculus max or min of functional. i just want variation of functional. for u understand my question i say an example

[ w=(x^2-a^2)*(f)] i want variational of this functional. in fact i want even i use of diff command maple answer me this form:

diff(w,f)=(x^2-a^2)*(δf) but maple dont write δf it answer (x^2-a^2)

@Carl Love 

Its false that we say Newton-raphson method cannot work with sympolic parameters beacuse its possible that factors of unknowns be parametres we dont know how should solve. so its false to say  there's any way around it, in Maple or any other system.




Do u write any programme before for it to send my email?

If factors unknowns be parammeter not just number what should do?

@Joe Riel 

No its not differential equation. its algebera equation.

@Carl Love 

If eliminate f[20] and f[22] just determine f[0] and f[2]. It make problem get easer. Do you can solve that i mean in first line of my programme that had sent just write w:=(x^2/a^2-1)*(y^2/b^2-1)*(f[0]+f[2]*x^2). in this case just have 2 quations instead 4 equations. Also u said maybe i should seek a numerical solution instead how can have numerical solution with maple?

can we linearize nonlinear equation with maple or not? I mean is there any command linearize nnlinear equation?

@Carl Love 

You didnt send it to me. I dont see it

@Carl Love 

Ok. Can i see your simplifed that do on my code?

@Carl Love 

What should i do? It should not be too long  and dont take too much time beacuse i want change them and receive another answers. 

maple is powerful for solve equations why it take too much time for this question?


Did you solve it? or u have updated my question mean maple 13 can not solve it?


Please pardon me. i dont answer beacuse im work on it exact right now.

No unfortunately cant solve my problem.I send file of maple if u can please help

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