
30 Reputation

5 Badges

14 years, 322 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by rwong1231


Yeah, I'm gonna explore that route...its also been suggested to export the inertial coordinates of my MapleSim model as a CSV file and feed it into Zemax directly. Then import and crunch the data in Matlab. Its a quick and dirty work around.


Yeah, I'm gonna explore that route...its also been suggested to export the inertial coordinates of my MapleSim model as a CSV file and feed it into Zemax directly. Then import and crunch the data in Matlab. Its a quick and dirty work around.

@Joe Riel 

Hi Joe,

Yeah, I changed it to 10 after the first test run with just the Time Lookup Table.

my bad...I should've replied/updated back to the forum.



@Joe Riel 

Hi Joe,

Yeah, I changed it to 10 after the first test run with just the Time Lookup Table.

my bad...I should've replied/updated back to the forum.



Awesomeness...thank you Joe! :)

Running my simulations...looking forward to my new results...

I've been running maplescript-based loops up till now (one simulation, update variable, run simulation, etc...).

This is much more straightforward!


Awesomeness...thank you Joe! :)

Running my simulations...looking forward to my new results...

I've been running maplescript-based loops up till now (one simulation, update variable, run simulation, etc...).

This is much more straightforward!


Hi Graham,

Thanks! I'll give that a whirl and see how it goes...



Hi Graham,

Thanks! I'll give that a whirl and see how it goes...



Thank you so much Acer! I followed your format and did a simple routine via the RLCcircuit.msim file. 




My test routine:

A:= MapleSim:-LinkModel('filename' = cat(kernelopts('toolboxdir' = MapleSim), kernelopts('dirsep'), "data/examples/RLCcircuit.msim"))

for x from 1 to 10 do

     A:-SetSubstitutions({`Main.'RLC::C'` = x}),

     arrayofresults := A:-Simulate(output = datapoint, returnTimeData = true)

     ExportMatrix(cat("matlabresults_", convert(x, string), ".xls"), Matrix(arrayofresults))

end do

Thank you so much Acer! I followed your format and did a simple routine via the RLCcircuit.msim file. 




My test routine:

A:= MapleSim:-LinkModel('filename' = cat(kernelopts('toolboxdir' = MapleSim), kernelopts('dirsep'), "data/examples/RLCcircuit.msim"))

for x from 1 to 10 do

     A:-SetSubstitutions({`Main.'RLC::C'` = x}),

     arrayofresults := A:-Simulate(output = datapoint, returnTimeData = true)

     ExportMatrix(cat("matlabresults_", convert(x, string), ".xls"), Matrix(arrayofresults))

end do

Hi Acer,

Thank you so much for your feedback. I will give that a try.


Hi Acer,

Thank you so much for your feedback. I will give that a try.


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