
25 Reputation

4 Badges

13 years, 268 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by saeidmo

Dear All,


I have an equation to solve. 

1= sum_{i=1}^n 1/(x+a_i) where a_i is given. I want to solve this equation for unknown x. I know there is a value between 0 and 1. Although I can find the solution by numerical method, I am interested in close form to solve this equation.

Help please.


Best Regards,


Dear All,


I have a question related to Modulated Markov Rate Process (MMRP). Please see MMRP and here. For more information see this

In this kind of markov chain it is necessary to have ON and OFF state that separte by a exponential distribution. Also the number of items as mentioned in the figures has a...

Dear All

I have an equation that is related to some other equations. The main equation and some of the others are in the sum format. I want to solve the main equation in parametric format.

main equation: i want to solve it for m based on other parameters (n,p,alpha,c and perhaps k)

sum(m/(k*p*c+m*i^alpha), i = 1 .. n)-m = 0

there are some other requirements:

1/k = sum(1/i^alpha, i = 1 .. n)

sum(k/i^alpha, i = 1 .. n) = 1

Dear All


Suppose that you have a pdf for the number of request receiving to a system with mean m. Suppose that it is not a common distribution.

Is it correct that there is a time between request with a specific distribution and the mean value of distribution is 1/m.

Is there any math rule that can prove it?


Best Regards,


Dear All,


Hi. I am interested to find the pdf of this moment function: phi(t) = exp(a * b / p (e^(a*t) -1))

This is a moment of random variable Y = aX where X is a Poisson random variable with rate (a*b/p)

I want to know is it possible to find a pdf from its moment in maple?

If so how?


Best Regards,


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