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0 years, 222 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by salim-barzani

What is the idea  of getting equation (48),(49), and (50)

I find thus equation of course i use a little bit seperation by hand, i have 11 equation but i can't get results of parameters i don't know why my code is a little bit old i think and i don't know there is another technique for finding them or not here is the file of mp, thanks for any help

for apear each part  remove (:)

By using the second order ODE and its solution how i can get thus changing Rule?  i am looking for equation (8) by assumption of the paper he did, there is a trick but i don't know

This expression is easy i think but i can't get any results with same shape  how i can simplify to the same equation in the paper

i am looking for equation 9 and every thing is clear how i can get

i have solution of ODE but again i want take derivative from solution function F then i want take reciprocal of derivative
if F'=G then i want 1/F'=1/G like that i want all solution by list and if possible don't give the parameter a sequence  it will be better

thanks for any help

K := diff(G(xi), xi $ 2) = -lambda*diff(G(xi), xi) - mu;
                d                    / d        \     
          K := ----- G(xi) = -lambda |---- G(xi)| - mu
                   2                 \ dxi      /     

V:= [seq](-1..1, 1/2);
                          [    -1     1   ]
                     V := [-1, --, 0, -, 1]
                          [    2      2   ]

interface(rtablesize= nops(V)^3):
    <seq(seq(<a | b | rhs(dsolve(eval(K, [lambda,mu]=~ [a,b])))>, a= V), b= V)>,
    columns= [lambda, mu, F]


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