
195 Reputation

9 Badges

14 years, 76 days



MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by samiyare


when i copy my results in excell or notepad, they are in the following format



i write the followinf code in maple

eq1:= f'''(x) - f'(x)

is this posible in maple that i worte the above command like this

Linear:= d3/d(x) - d/d(x)

eq1:= linear (f)

thanks for youe attention in advance


i have 2 equation named eq1 and eq2 with 2 unknown parameter a and b which each equation dependent to a and b. i want to achieve critical a and b to minimize eq1 and eq2.

previously i have eq1 and one parameter a only and i use the NLPSOLVE command. but , for above mention problem i dont know how achieve a and b?


thancks for your attenrion in advance


i have the following ode

.7246228659*(diff(f(x), x, x, x))+f(x)*(diff(f(x), x, x))+.6666666666-.6666666666*(diff(f(x), x))^2

with boundary conditions

f(0) = 0, D(f)(0) = a, (D(f))(b) = 1   (b corresponds to infinity and we can assume it 4 or 10 such that the solution converge)

i know the the solutions exist up to a critical value of "a" that beyonds no solution exist. for example for the following ode the critical value is...

Hi, i'm interested about parallel programming in maple but i cant find a good tutorial. is there anyone know a good refrence for this topic?

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