
505 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 91 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by taro

For example, when I tried to search comments or questions with the keyword of "carl module", I find the sentence that

" Carl Love - Replies
... Answered: June 29 2016 by Carl Love 10445. 0 0 + Add Tags. @candy898 You should
follow Joe's advice. Put the entire code of the module, and all of its procedures ... "

But, even if I got interested in the above comment and clicked this link of "Carl Love -Repries", what I find is the page of
"These are replies submitted by Carl Love"
, in which only the list of Carl's comment is on, not the page of

... Answered: June 29 2016 by Carl Love 10445. 0 0 + Add Tags. @candy898 You should
follow Joe's advice. Put the entire code of the module, and all of its procedures ... ."

So, If I tried to find the comment, I have to trace back the pages of comments of Carl, which is some effort.

From this point, I think that the functionality in using search is a little bad.





Thank you.

It's really the answer I wanted to obtain.

Best wishes.


Dear @Carl Love

Thank you very much. I could fix the code owing to you.

Best wishes.


Dear @Carl Love 

I tried to insert the code:

numer_expand := a->expand(numer(a))/denom(a);

before h:= F-> expand(evalindets(D(F)/F, specfunc(D), d-> op(d)*'h'(op(d))))
in your code as

z5:= module()
option package;
    numer_expand := a->expand(numer(a))/denom(a);
     h:= F-> expand(evalindets(D(F)/F, specfunc(D), d-> op(d)*'h'(op(d))))
     ModuleLoad:= proc() :-`print/h`:= ()-> ':-h'(args) end proc,
     ModuleUnload:= ()-> unassign(':-`print/h`')
end module:

But, the error occurs.



Error, unexpected `local` declaration in `module` body
Please teach me how I should modify.

Best wishes.





You don't need to use interface or cat in using read.

you have only to write

> read("directory where you saved mpl file which you can find with terminal application

through dragging the mpl file into terminal app's screen");



Thank you for your reply.
I as well will try to clean this board from spams if I could delete spams.
Anyway, I hope deleting spams will become easy one, which does not need even a few clicks.



@Carl Love 

Thank you for your teaching me.

I could understand that there is such a way of use of :-, owing to you.

Thank you.


Best wishes.


Two weeks had passsed since Byron's answer. I hope everythings is going well.

@Carl Love 

Thank you alway for your teaching.

I owe you quite a lot.

And, though I'm sorry for asking for futher answer,

I have another questions about your answer.

in your code of

proc():-`print/h`:= ()-> ':-h'(args)

why ":-" comes after proc()? This is the first time I see the form, with proc taking

statement after it. And, why there occurrs no problem even if including ':-' in front of h.

I can't understand the meaning of the form of ':-h'.

Definitly the day would not come, when I hit on your answer, for myself.

Thank you for your helping me a lot.

Best wishes.


I brought maple back to 10.11 of OSX.

I had been worrying about mail. But, though that operation as well, there wasn't the case that

mail had dissapeared. Of course, before starting that operation, I backed up the contents of this macbook

to a hard disk.





I had been used to updates of software when OS got new.

Surely, it is strange as updating software needs cost and time.

Thank you. I will wait for some update if there would be, or for the next version of maple.

Best wishes.



Surely, if this were 2D, there does not look having a gap.

z1, z2 := solve(x^2+y^2 = 1, {x, y})

plot([rhs(z1[1]), rhs(z2[1])], y = -1 .. 1, scaling = constrained, color = red);


As for the range of your plot, you can determine it with

for example

solve(eval((x-y)^2+(x-z)^2+(z-x)^2 = 3, {x = 2, y = 2}), z):evalf(%);


z1 and z2 have z,k1 and k2 as unknowns, and uu has alpha, z1 and z2, so that alpha, k1 and k2 as unknowns.

You are talking about intersections. But, between which intersection are you talking of?




@Christian Wolinski 

Is your link to



Thank you for the above link. I will try to understand it.

Best wishes.


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