
505 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 87 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by taro

@Joe Riel 


Thank you. I could understand why a[] is the same as op(a) owing to you.


I tried to show the graph in the example page through the way as written in the explanation of MapleWWW.

Surely, I could show the graph with Maple17, but when I passed it to MapleWWW, what was returned was as follows.

I couldn't have MapleWWW show the graph. 




@Preben Alsholm 

Thank you for your reply.

I misunderstood about what I was doing.

The answer was erro, as you show.


taro yamada



@acer 9746, @Carl Love 6065

Thanks to all of you I could undertand that backslash was superfluous.


@acer 9746

I could understand the meaning of %1, n


@mehdi jafari 280

Thank you for telling me about printf. But, this seems to need more time for me to understand.

I think someday I will be able to understand what you wrote.




if n=0 then
elif n=1 then
else error "bad argument: %1 %2",(n,m);
end if;

This answer is 

Error, bad argument: 5 4


@Preben Alsholm 


Thank you for teaching me.

I could understand well what $10..15 means.



@Carl Love 

Thank you for your instruction.

I could solve my question owing to you.




@Preben Alsholm 


I hadn't understand that even numbers are changed to symbols with `` before.

Thank you for telling me that.

Take care.



@Carl Love 

Thank you. Yor code is very simple.

Take care.



Thank you. I could understand your explanation well.

Take care.



Thank you for showing me your answer.

Can I ask you explain the logic of your code?


Take care.


@Alejandro Jakubi 


Thank you for teaching me the version where Integration Tools was first introduced.

The version I am using is Maple 9, which I bought as much as 10 years ago, but had not used it so far.

But, recently, I began to use Maple, and am considering whether I buy the new version or not.

 Anyway, if I upgraded the macosX to lion, I have to consider something to do, as on that version, this version

I am using does not work.


Take care.




I'm sorry. I have the last question to you.

I am trying to use your third linearity formula to not equ, about which I asked before, but to re7 as in the following lines.

re7:=p(k)=alpha-gamma*q(k)-eta*Int(q(i), i = (0 .. M));



Then, the answer I could obtain was 

int(p(k), k = (0 .. M)) = alpha M - gamma int(q(k), k = (0 .. M))

- g(eta int(q(i), i = (0 .. M)))


At the part of g(eta int(q(i), i = (0 .. M))), the linearity of g does not appear.

The right equation should be eta*M*int(q(i), i = (0 .. M)).


And, as for the first and second fomula you kindly taught me, gamma is not put out of the argument of the integral, not put in front of int, like

-gamma*int(q(k), k = 0 .. M))

So, the third fomula is best to me, but it wouldn't work when I changed from equ to re7.
If you have a tolerance to me who continue to ask a question to you repeatedly not asking my question fully in advance, I hope you will answer to my question of this time.

Take care.







@Carl Love 

Thank you for telling me the usage of subsindets and evalindets.


@Alejandro Jakubi 

I noticed that maple 17 got more convenient than older versions.

Integration tools package is very nice to use. I hope I could have used it.





Thank you. I could understand what you taught at last.

Thank you for telling a lot. I could understand how to use map2, operand, type matching, and define.

I will write the specifics of my actual problem from next.

Thank you.




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