
495 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 54 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by taro

@Carl Love 

Thank you for teaching (1,1,1) is a point of tangency.


@Carl Love

I think what is obtained with solve({x^2+y^2+z^2=3, x+y+z=3, w > 0}, {x,y,z}); is a circle on x+y+z=3, 
with the solution being the intersection of a sphere with a plane. 
{x=1,y=1,z=1} is surely one of such a point, but I thik it is only a point on a circle as the solution.
Why doesn't maple show the solution as a combination of x and y as a function of z, but showing only 
a point of {x=1,y=1,z=1}?


I think it's splendid for there to be an office hour for maple users.
I hope it will become a busy one. 



The op's question contains diff. 
I didn't know that the way of writing in Document mode is different from that 
in Worksheet mode. For example, I didn't know that f'(1) which I thought at first means diff(f(1),x) is actually expressing eval(diff(f(x),x),{x=1}) in worksheet mode. 
Additionally, I didn't understand the way of op's image's last line of his output. I couldn't understand why eval(..) = 2 could be obtained in one line.
And, I couldn't understand how you could get 1(1) in the above answer. 



Thank you. My problem was solved owing to you.
I wrote the more detailed thanks to you and the result of my problem in the above reply to Mr. Markiyan Hirnyk. Thank you.

@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Thank you. My problem was solved owing to you.
Actually, what was I wanted to do was to put variables with the same exponent into the single variable,
with variables with minus exponent put into the denominator, like the file I appended.

Though knowing how to put variables in order, as there were two variables with the same exponent, 
I, at first, found it was difficult. And, before that, I thought I didn't know how to handle such as w 

in the first file I appended here, to which two of you gave me an answer.

Thank you. Owing to two of you, I could put the expression into the form I wanted it to be.



Thank you for your answer.

The problem I held was resolved, owing to you.



You can see the help page of maple as for Minor.
For example,


B := <<1,2,3,-4>|<5,6,-7,8>|<9,-10,11,12>|<-13,14,15,16>>;

seq(Minor(B, i, i),i=1..4);



Thank you for your answer.
Especially, your use of freeze and thaw was very helpful to me.

I owe you a lot.

On the other hand, later, I found the following codes works;

Y := -L*epsilon^epsilon*(1-epsilon)^(1-epsilon)*(-omega^(-1+epsilon)*k*theta+(1-theta)*omega^epsilon)/(1-epsilon-theta);
end proc;



Thank you.

I could obtain a lot from your direct substitution and the use of empty symbol" `` ".



@Rouben Rostamian
Thank you. I could resolve my question with you code.



munus 1 of the top of the expression is multiplied to the denominator of (theta -1) so that it changes to 1-theta.

So, two are equivalent. The reason I prefer the second is that the expressions in my note following the expression I wrote here have the same (theta -1) so that the terms have minus sign at the top, so I though I would change the first place
where it appeared, so that the following expressions are easy to deal with. I am supposing theta is a constant between 0 and 1. 



I found a typo. So, I want to report it to maplesoft.
Though I searched for such places with type and found this thread, I am not certain this is one.

In the term of evalindets in help page of maple 2016, there is the next example contained.

evalindents['nocache'](expr,symbol,proc(s) global count; count:=count+1; cat(s,count) end);

evalindents is incorrectly spelled. evalindets is the right one.

And, ex of


, which is written below the last one,

, I think, should have been written, intended to write expr.


The first way is

x:={b[1]=alpha*a[1]^6, b[2]=alpha*a[2]^6, c[1]=beta*a[1]^4+gamma*d[1], c[2]=beta*a[2]^4+gamma*d[2]};




which brings a solution, though including RootOf.


The second way is

k:= solve({op(x),y},a[1]);

But, this does not bring any answer, which I can't understand why.




Two ways to solve


that is




bring different solutions.

So, I couldn't understand your answer.


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