
505 Reputation

12 Badges

11 years, 92 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by taro


Thank you for your teaching.
But, I had thought that I had deleted my post of the title of "I have a question," and I posted another question in


So, I have posted the same question twice.
It's my mistake.

Thank you.


Thank you for your teaching that it is not in Boolean context.

Both of
bring the same answer {"b", "c"}, don't they.
As the first argument of remove is a Boolean-valued procedure,
the way of using t->t="a" rather than t->evalb(t="a") looks non-standard to me.

Thank you.


I have a question.
t->t="." in remove(t->t=".", b); is a boolian -valued procedure.

But, then, why does (t->t=".")(9); not return false like (t->t^2)(3); returns 9?
How can I have maple return false?

Best wishes.


Hello torabi,

I downloaded and executed your  printf.mw .Then, the following error message

Warning, computation is being performed near the boundary of the current precision, suggest increasing Digits to approximately 2001 or efficiency may be degraded
proc(x_bvp)  ...  end;


I haven't experienced that sort of trouble.
But, from your writing that you loaded your maple to not-yours PC,
I thought that another account is needed and it is verified by a computer
of maplesoft. But, I don't know such sort of trouble occurrs in the case of not 
having an appropriate account.

As another possibility I can pick up, your maple might not reading "standard library," from some reason such as you having changed its location.

Anyway, I think you need to contact with maplesoft.


I'm sorry, but as I thought the design of your figure is very nice, and I couldn't draw it through right-click after plot3d(x^2...., so I thought I would ask you how you drew your figure. If you don't mind, I will be very glad if you tell it to me.

Best wishes.


Thank you for giving me examples of applying freeze and thaw 
to the question I posted. Surely, it helps to use them.
And, as I was unassure of using them yet, I couldn't remind of using them
myself. Thank you very much.


Choose Save as PDF, and open it with Acrobat reader.
Characters are dirty with Skim and Preview as for viewing
a pdf file made with maple if you choose "save as a pdf", so I think there might be some problem in creating a pdf file with maple, but in this case also, there is a rescue. On the time you print a maple file, you can do it  to ps, that is postscript format, file. And, if you open that ps file with
Skim or Preview, it transforms ps to pdf, and then you have only to save
it in the format of pdf.


@John Fredsted 

Thank you, but your code does not bring what I want.

Best wishes.


@Joe Riel 

Thank you very much. Ways you showed seem applicable to other
modifications of expressions.
Best wishes.




is just calling the name of the file. When you want to open it with xmaple you have to write as xmaple the name of the file.

Best wishes.


In my environment, with the following code in maple screen, I can open tempu.mw.

ssystem("/Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/2015/bin/xmaple /Users/hiro/Desktop/temp.mw");

How do you feel it hard to read anything here?
Is it from the color of background, of white?
I hope that you remain in this site.
And, if possible, I wish the changes of settings including colors or layouts
could be left to readers of mapleprimes, and the layout of white character
and black background could be included in the layout.

As for the green arrow for inserting mw.file, it is fixed as for me.

I think that Bryon often appears in the following place.

So, the above place may be a better place.


If there is a function which makes "#" transparent, I think everything about what becomes a problem in this question is resolved.
And, for the change from transparent "#" to not transparent "#" and  its reverse, I think that there has only to be a check bottun for it in Preferences.

And, I feel the way pushing F5 or sift F5 sometimes unstable, with my PC regarding only one push of mine as pushing multiple times, or even though I pushed it, not responding to it. 


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