
30 Reputation

5 Badges

20 years, 146 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by viraghj

Well, i should remember... A few years ago i saw a couple of tricky examples about this in a Maple programming demo.

The whole story is a bit more difficult.

I  have to write a Sequence ("Sorozatok" in hungarian) package

Sorozatok := module()
  export  Sorozatok_q1, Sorozatok_q2, Sorozatok_q3,...
  option package:
  Sorozatok_q1:= proc()
    local solved, n, l, k, s_n, eq1, eq2, `a[1]`, d, MO, ret_length:
    solved := false:
    while ( (not solved) or hasfun([MO], RootOf) ) do
      n   := RandomTools:-Generate(integer(range=5..20)):
      l   := RandomTools:-Generate(integer(range=2..n)):
      k   := RandomTools:-Generate(integer(range= 1..(l-1) )):
      s_n := RandomTools:-Generate(integer(range=5..30)):
      eq1 := abs( `a[1]` +(k-1)*d ) = abs( `a[1]`+(l-1)*d );
      eq2 := n * ( `a[1]` + (`a[1]` + (n-1)*d) )/2 = s_n;
      MO  := solve( [eq1,eq2], [`a[1]`,d], Explicit=true ):
      if not ( MO = [] ) then
         solved := true:
       end if:
    end do:
    ret_length := 4 + nops([MO]):
    return [ret_length, n, k, l, s_n, MO];
  end proc:

Sorozatok_q2:= proc()
  local solved, a, b, c, eq1, eq2, eq3, x, `a[1]`, d, MO, ret_length, ...
    solved := false:
end proc:
end module

Each Sorozatok_q<j> proc belongs to a specific question of a Sequences question bank in  MapleTA. It should  generate suitable random parameters and solve the resulting equations.

MapleTA will evalute the output and compare it with the students answer.

The names of the indeterminates are fixed in the question text, and the output should contain them exactly. (Or they have to be transformed back to the original names - this would be an extra step.)

At first I thought that proc's without parameters would be the simplest solution, and the local declarations came from the fact that the different questions use a lot of parameters with similar names.

Should i make all unassigned names global and export them from my package?

Well, i should remember... A few years ago i saw a couple of tricky examples about this in a Maple programming demo.

The whole story is a bit more difficult.

I  have to write a Sequence ("Sorozatok" in hungarian) package

Sorozatok := module()
  export  Sorozatok_q1, Sorozatok_q2, Sorozatok_q3,...
  option package:
  Sorozatok_q1:= proc()
    local solved, n, l, k, s_n, eq1, eq2, `a[1]`, d, MO, ret_length:
    solved := false:
    while ( (not solved) or hasfun([MO], RootOf) ) do
      n   := RandomTools:-Generate(integer(range=5..20)):
      l   := RandomTools:-Generate(integer(range=2..n)):
      k   := RandomTools:-Generate(integer(range= 1..(l-1) )):
      s_n := RandomTools:-Generate(integer(range=5..30)):
      eq1 := abs( `a[1]` +(k-1)*d ) = abs( `a[1]`+(l-1)*d );
      eq2 := n * ( `a[1]` + (`a[1]` + (n-1)*d) )/2 = s_n;
      MO  := solve( [eq1,eq2], [`a[1]`,d], Explicit=true ):
      if not ( MO = [] ) then
         solved := true:
       end if:
    end do:
    ret_length := 4 + nops([MO]):
    return [ret_length, n, k, l, s_n, MO];
  end proc:

Sorozatok_q2:= proc()
  local solved, a, b, c, eq1, eq2, eq3, x, `a[1]`, d, MO, ret_length, ...
    solved := false:
end proc:
end module

Each Sorozatok_q<j> proc belongs to a specific question of a Sequences question bank in  MapleTA. It should  generate suitable random parameters and solve the resulting equations.

MapleTA will evalute the output and compare it with the students answer.

The names of the indeterminates are fixed in the question text, and the output should contain them exactly. (Or they have to be transformed back to the original names - this would be an extra step.)

At first I thought that proc's without parameters would be the simplest solution, and the local declarations came from the fact that the different questions use a lot of parameters with similar names.

Should i make all unassigned names global and export them from my package?


Thank you for the interesting tips and explanations.

But I still consider these results at least inconsistent and surprising.

Cf. eg. the integration - this works "as expected"

$ maple
    |\^/|     Maple 15 (X86 64 LINUX)
._|\|   |/|_. Copyright (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2011
 \  MAPLE  /  All rights reserved. Maple is a trademark of
 <____ ____>  Waterloo Maple Inc.
      |       Type ? for help.
> int( 0.5*10^(-1000)*x  + 1.*x^10 + 2.0*10^100*sin(0.0001*x), x );
                                                 -1000  2                  11                  105
                                  0.2500000000 10      x  + 0.09090909091 x   - 0.2000000000 10    cos(0.0001000000000 x)



Thank you for the interesting tips and explanations.

But I still consider these results at least inconsistent and surprising.

Cf. eg. the integration - this works "as expected"

$ maple
    |\^/|     Maple 15 (X86 64 LINUX)
._|\|   |/|_. Copyright (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2011
 \  MAPLE  /  All rights reserved. Maple is a trademark of
 <____ ____>  Waterloo Maple Inc.
      |       Type ? for help.
> int( 0.5*10^(-1000)*x  + 1.*x^10 + 2.0*10^100*sin(0.0001*x), x );
                                                 -1000  2                  11                  105
                                  0.2500000000 10      x  + 0.09090909091 x   - 0.2000000000 10    cos(0.0001000000000 x)



i listed the Fedora packages, the corresponding Ubuntu packages should have similar names, eg.




as far as i remember, the first is the crucial one, installing only that may cure your problems.


i listed the Fedora packages, the corresponding Ubuntu packages should have similar names, eg.




as far as i remember, the first is the crucial one, installing only that may cure your problems.


I did yesterday a clean F16 64 bit install from the original install DVD. Then i reinstalled Maple 15.01 (the 64 bit version). Now i see the very same error message. I upload my rpm packagelist and my cpu flags.
The only non-anaconda packages resulted from the install of the  redhat-lsb package which is not on the install DVD.




I did yesterday a clean F16 64 bit install from the original install DVD. Then i reinstalled Maple 15.01 (the 64 bit version). Now i see the very same error message. I upload my rpm packagelist and my cpu flags.
The only non-anaconda packages resulted from the install of the  redhat-lsb package which is not on the install DVD.



Dear Thomas!

a) the the fresh install of this 15.01 version  was SUCCESSFUL:

$ grep Status /opt/MAPLE15/Maple_15_InstallLog.log|grep -v "Status: SUCCESSFUL"


b) i have been using Maple on Fedora for many years without any  (platform-specific) problems.

This is my first 64 bit install, although.

How can i try some kind of debugging?



Dear Thomas!

a) the the fresh install of this 15.01 version  was SUCCESSFUL:

$ grep Status /opt/MAPLE15/Maple_15_InstallLog.log|grep -v "Status: SUCCESSFUL"


b) i have been using Maple on Fedora for many years without any  (platform-specific) problems.

This is my first 64 bit install, although.

How can i try some kind of debugging?



Thank you for your help.

My selected browser is /usr/bin/firefox, but when i click on the "testing" link nothing happens.

Does maple do some dirty tricks with LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

1) the result of


in the popup window is:

XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/xulrunner-2/
/opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/xulrunner-2/
Couldn't load XPCOM.

Exit Value: 1

2) similarly,


gives the message

/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX

/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/

konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/

Exit Value: 1

3) Google chrome doesn't work, either:

/usr/bin/google-chrome: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/l no version information available (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/ no version information a

vailable (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/ no version information available (required by /lib/

Exit Value: 1

My current contains only:

$ ls /etc/
atlas-i386.conf                       kernel-  mysql-i386.conf   openmotif.conf  wine-32.conf
atlas-i386-sse3.conf                  kernel-  nvidia-lib.conf   qt-i386.conf    xulrunner-32.conf
kernel-  llvm-i386.conf

Thank you for your help.

My selected browser is /usr/bin/firefox, but when i click on the "testing" link nothing happens.

Does maple do some dirty tricks with LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

1) the result of


in the popup window is:

XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/xulrunner-2/
/opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/xulrunner-2/
Couldn't load XPCOM.

Exit Value: 1

2) similarly,


gives the message

/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX

/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/

konqueror: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/
/usr/bin/konqueror: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/

Exit Value: 1

3) Google chrome doesn't work, either:

/usr/bin/google-chrome: /opt/maple15/bin.IBM_INTEL_LINUX/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/l no version information available (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/ no version information a

vailable (required by /usr/bin/google-chrome)
/usr/bin/google-chrome: /opt/matlab7/bin/glnx86/ no version information available (required by /lib/

Exit Value: 1

My current contains only:

$ ls /etc/
atlas-i386.conf                       kernel-  mysql-i386.conf   openmotif.conf  wine-32.conf
atlas-i386-sse3.conf                  kernel-  nvidia-lib.conf   qt-i386.conf    xulrunner-32.conf
kernel-  llvm-i386.conf

@Leonard Evens 

On Fedora 14 a quick-and-dirty solution is:

# setsebool -P allow_execstack 1

details in

$man setsebool
$ man execstack

@Leonard Evens 

On Fedora 14 a quick-and-dirty solution is:

# setsebool -P allow_execstack 1

details in

$man setsebool
$ man execstack

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