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10 years, 104 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by winne2014

Dear Friends,

My present problem is to calculate the coefficients  

of ODES based on the experiment data. In order to simulate the actual experiment, a set of  is given with . Then the experiment data (yexp) can be calculated. Finally, the least-squares method (lsq) is used to calculate the coefficient values. Now the NLPSolve function can be used. However, the globalsolve cant run.


If it is convenient for you, wish you can solve it.




cdm_ode := diff(y1(t), t) = c0*(y6(t)*(1-y3(t))/(s0*(1-y4(t)*(1-y5(t)))))^n/(1-y2(t)), diff(y2(t), t) = ks*y2(t)^(1/3)*(1-y2(t)), diff(y3(t), t) = h1*(1-y3(t)/h2)*c0*(y6(t)*(1-y3(t))/(s0*(1-y4(t)*(1-y5(t)))))^n/(sigma*(1-y2(t))), diff(y4(t), t) = (1/3)*kp*(1-y4(t))^4, diff(y5(t), t) = A*B*y1(t)^(B-1)*c0*(y6(t)*(1-y3(t))/(s0*(1-y4(t)*(1-y5(t)))))^n/(1-y2(t)), diff(y6(t), t) = y6(t)*c0*(y6(t)*(1-y3(t))/(s0*(1-y4(t)*(1-y5(t)))))^n/(1-y2(t));


tol_t := 3600;
sol := dsolve([cdm_ode, y1(0) = 0, y2(0) = 0, y3(0) = 0, y4(0) = 0, y5(0) = 0, y6(0) = 175], numeric, range = 0 .. tol_t, output = listprocedure, parameters = [c0, n, sigma, s0, ks, h1, h2, kp, A, B]);

sol(parameters = [5.7*10^(-6), 10.186, 175, 200, 5*10^(-8), 10000, .269, 1.5*10^(-7), 1.5, 2]);

t := [seq(i^2, i = 0 .. 50, 1)];

y1data := subs(sol, y1(t));
y1exp := [seq(y1data(t[i]), i = 1 .. 51)];

err := proc (c0, n, s0, ks, h1, h2, kp, A, B) local y1cal, y1val, lsq; sol(parameters = [c0, n, 175, s0, ks, h1, h2, kp, A, B]); y1cal := subs(sol, y1(t)); y1val := [seq(y1cal(t[i]), i = 1 .. 51)]; lsq := add((y1val[i]-y1exp[i])^2, i = 1 .. 51); lsq end proc;

val := NLPSolve(err, 10^(-8) .. 10^(-4), 2 .. 20, 150 .. 250, 10^(-2) .. 1, 100 .. 20000, 10^(-5) .. .4, 10^(-5) .. 1, .5 .. 2, 1 .. 10);
GlobalSolve(err, 10^(-10) .. 10^(-4), 2 .. 20, 150 .. 250, 0 .. 1, 100 .. 15000, 0 .. .5, 0 .. 1, .5 .. 2, 1 .. 5);

Error, (in GlobalOptimization:-GlobalSolve) `InertForms` does not evaluate to a module






Hello, everybody!

If it is convenient for you, I wish you can help me review the following program. Thank you very much in advance. I want to obtain the coefficient values of c0, n, s0, ks, h1, h2, kp, A, B for the ODE system.

cdm_ode := diff(y1(t), t) = c0*(y6(t)*(1-y3(t))/(s0*(1-y4(t)*(1-y5(t)))))^n/(1-y2(t)), diff(y2(t), t) = ks*y2(t)^(1/3)*(1-y2(t)), diff(y3(t), t) = h1*(1-y3(t)/h2)*c0*(y6(t)*(1-y3(t))/(s0*(1-y4(t)*(1-y5(t)))))^n/(sigma*(1-y2(t))), diff(y4(t), t) = (1/3)*kp*(1-y4(t))^4, diff(y5(t), t) = A*B*y1(t)^(B-1)*c0*(y6(t)*(1-y3(t))/(s0*(1-y4(t)*(1-y5(t)))))^n/(1-y2(t)), diff(y6(t), t) = y6(t)*c0*(y6(t)*(1-y3(t))/(s0*(1-y4(t)*(1-y5(t)))))^n/(1-y2(t));

tol_t := 3600;

sol := dsolve([cdm_ode, y1(0) = 0, y2(0) = 0, y3(0) = 0, y4(0) = 0, y5(0) = 0, y6(0) = 175], numeric, range = 0 .. tol_t, output = listprocedure, parameters = [c0, n, sigma, s0, ks, h1, h2, kp, A, B]);

err := proc (c0, n, s0, ks, h1, h2, kp, A, B) local st1, st2, sv1, sv2, sv; sol(parameters = [c0, n, 175, s0, ks, h1, h2, kp, A, B]); st1 := subs(sol, y1(t)); sv1 := [st1(1), st1(100), st1(210), st1(2500), st1(2800), st1(3000)]; sol(parameters = [5.7/10^6, 10.186, 175, 200, 1/20000000, 10000, .269, 1.5/10^7, 1.5, 2]); st2 := subs(sol, y1(t)); sv2 := [st2(1), st2(100), st2(210), st2(2500), st2(2800), st2(3000)]; sv := add((sv1[i]-sv2[i])^2, i = 1 .. 6); sv end proc;

GlobalSolve(err, c0 = 0 .. 1, n = 1 .. 20, s0 = 150 .. 250, ks = 0 .. 1, h1 = 100 .. 15000, h2 = 0 .. .5, kp = 0 .. 1, A = .5 .. 2, B = 1 .. 5);

Error, (in GlobalOptimization:-GlobalSolve) `InertForms` does not evaluate to a module

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