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12 years, 317 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by xumin

@Joe Riel 

Hi Joe,
   I have received your email.It's very kind of you be so passionate to help me with my problem.Yes,if I change the solver,and select rosenbrock,then my problem will be solved.AS  to R01,I will study it. Mybe it's becuase of the the formula I use.

You are very brilliant.It's the first time I use the web to ask for help.I never thought I would get help,especially that ,from a kind person of a froeign country.

In all,thank you very much.

@Joe Riel 

Hi Joe,
   I have received your email.It's very kind of you be so passionate to help me with my problem.Yes,if I change the solver,and select rosenbrock,then my problem will be solved.AS  to R01,I will study it. Mybe it's becuase of the the formula I use.

You are very brilliant.It's the first time I use the web to ask for help.I never thought I would get help,especially that ,from a kind person of a froeign country.

In all,thank you very much.

@Joe Riel It's very kind of you be so passionate to help me with my problem.Yes,if I change the solver,and select rosenbrock,then my problem will be solved.AS  to R01,I will study it. Mybe it's becuase of the the formula I use.

You are very brilliant.It's the first time I use the web to ask for help.I never thought I would get help,especially that ,from a kind person of a froeign country.


@Joe Riel It's very kind of you be so passionate to help me with my problem.Yes,if I change the solver,and select rosenbrock,then my problem will be solved.AS  to R01,I will study it. Mybe it's becuase of the the formula I use.

You are very brilliant.It's the first time I use the web to ask for help.I never thought I would get help,especially that ,from a kind person of a froeign country.


gastemperature.msim@Joe Riel 

It is a little complex.thanks again .

gastemperature.msim@Joe Riel 

It is a little complex.thanks again .

Thanks for your reply,Joe.No error messages happen.I did as what you said.But still no results

Thanks for your reply,Joe.No error messages happen.I did as what you said.But still no results

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