
260 Reputation

7 Badges

13 years, 11 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by yangtheary


Please help me !

@mmcdara I am sorry but i don't understand so Could you do more clearly?

@vv  Your answer point Q on  [SN] ? Please help me !



@Rouben Rostamian  Thank you!

@AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh 

Would you help me to find out exact answer, please?

Coordinates  B(...?,...?) ,M(...?,...?) ,D(....?,...?)

@AmirHosein Sadeghimanesh 

Sorry :

Let $\triangle ABC$ be an isosceles triangle and $\angle BAC$=$20^\circ$, take point $D$ is on $AC$ such that $AD$ $=$ $BC$. Find $\angle ABD$= ?

@Kitonum  Thank you

@Kitonum  Thank you!!!

Help me tell how to read answers ?

I am sorry but i don't understand so Could you do more clearly?

I am sorry but i don't understand so Could you do more clearly?

I think that  24^2+24*23=1128.

wrong or right ?

I think that  24^2+24*23=1128.

wrong or right ?

I am sorry but i don't understand so Could you do more clearly?

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